7 Chakra Knotted Bracelet


Handcrafted 7 Chakra Knotted Bracelets made by Shop Libra Spirit.

The chakras are the seven energy hotspots that exist along the spine. Each bead of this bracelet is associated with a particular chakra and its matching color.

The bracelet is knotted between each bead. The knots are believed to bind the energy of all the beads together, ensuring that you receive maximum benefits from this bracelet.

As well as being a beautiful piece of jewelry, this bracelet has real healing power. It harmonizes your physical body with your aura, creating an environment in which you feel calm and relaxed.

The seven chakra stones in this bracelet symbolize the health and balance of your entire body. You can use it to tap into the power that each stone represents, or you can simply wear it as a beautiful piece of jewelry. Read on to learn more about how these stones work together:

Chakras - How They Affect Your Well-being

Root Chakra: This is the base of the chakra system, and it's located at the base of your spine. When this chakra is balanced, you can feel safe and secure in life, and you're optimistic about your future. You feel able to handle whatever comes your way. If this chakra is blocked, you may feel insecure or have problems with your finances. You can use red gemstones to clear this chakra and promote its energy flow.

Sacral Chakra: This chakra is located just below your belly button. When this chakra is in balance, you feel emotionally secure. You are confident about the decisions you make and are willing to take risks to get what you want out of life. If this chakra is blocked, you may feel fear or anxiety, even if there's no logical reason for it. You may also feel insecure about your relationships. Use orange gemstones to promote the flow of energy in this chakra.

Solar plexus: The solar plexus is known as the third chakra, and it's located between your belly button and chest. This chakra regulates your sense of control over the world around you. When this chakra is in balance, you feel confident and capable. You know that the decisions you make will work out for your benefit. If this chakra is blocked, you may feel a lack of control over events in your life. You may also battle with feelings of guilt. Use yellow gemstones to open up energy flow in this third chakra.

Heart Chakra: This chakra is located at the center of your chest and is associated with love. When it's balanced, you're able to find peace within yourself and share that peace with others. Your mind is clear, your body feels healthy, and you're able to deal with the stress of life. If this chakra is blocked, you may feel depressed or overwhelmed. Jade gemstones can help to unblock this chakra and restore its flow of energy.

Throat Chakra: This chakra is located in your throat and controls your ability to communicate. When it's balanced, you're able to speak openly about how you feel, and other people are able to hear what you have to say. You enjoy life, and feel excited about the future. If this chakra is blocked, you may feel insecure about speaking your mind or find it hard to open up to other people. You can use turquoise gemstones to clear this chakra and restore its flow of energy.

Third Eye Chakra: This chakra is located in the center of your forehead, between your eyes. It controls intuition, imagination, and insight into the world around you. When it's balanced, you're able to think logically and focus on the world around you. You feel strong and confident about your place in life. If this chakra is blocked, you may suffer from migraines or have trouble thinking clearly. You can use indigo gemstones to unblock this chakra and restore its flow of energy.

Crown Chakra: This chakra is located at the very top of your head and controls your spiritual connection to life. When it's balanced, you feel connected to something bigger than yourself, whether that's God or nature. You have a sense of purpose in life, and are able to rise above the problems that surround you. If this chakra is blocked, you may feel confused or lonely about your place in the world. You can use violet gemstones to unblock this chakra and restore its flow of energy.

Lucky Knot

The lucky knot is a popular symbol. It means good luck, and that's what this bracelet brings you. The best part is that the knot itself has no beginning or end. This represents infinite good fortune coming your way from all directions!

This bracelet is the perfect reminder of how connected you are to the abundant universe!

QTY: (1) Unisex Adjustable Bracelet 

Bracelet is adjustable to the wrist & may fit your ankle. 

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