Seamoss + Coconut (Improves Digestion, Memory, Fights Fatigue, Kidney, High in Potassium, Magnesium, Blood Pressure)


Coconut is low in carbs and high in fiber and fat, so it may help stabilize your blood sugar. It's also rich in potassium, which is essential for proper erectile functioning and any deficiency in it can contribute to your decreased sexual performance. Replenish your body with enough potassium by drinking coconut seamoss regularly to maintain the electrolyte balance of your body.

Benefits Included but not limited:

  1. Supports immune system health: it is anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasite.
  2. Provides a natural source of quick energy and enhances physical and athletic performance
  3. Improves digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals
  4. Improves insulin secretion and symptoms associated with diabetes
  5. Helps protect the body from cancers through insulin reduction and removal of free radicals that cause premature aging and degenerative disease
  6. Reduces the risk of heart disease and improves good cholesterol (HDL)
  7. Restores and supports thyroid function
  8. Helps protect against kidney disease and bladder infection
  9. Promotes weight loss
  10. Helps keep hair and skin healthy and youthful-looking, prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots, and provides sun protection. 
  11. Provides a natural source of quick energy and enhances physical and athletic performance.

Qty (1) 16oz Jar

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  • Perishable – Must Stay Refrigerated**


By purchasing our products, you recognize and accept the fact that some natural ingredients may cause sensitivity to certain individuals and that we are not responsible for such occurrences. Holistic Energy Flow accepts no liability for misuse of our products or incorrect information on our products. BUYER ACCEPTS THESE TERMS WHEN PURCHASING AND AGREES THIS IS SOLELY AT THEIR RISK WHEN USING PRODUCTS BY Holistic Energy Flow.


  • Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.
  • Due to the nature of the item, refunds or exchanges are not permitted.