Red Tiger Eye - Success + Passion Bracelet

¥4,493 ¥5,425

If you ever wish to be successful at everything you do, channel the spiritual energy of the Red Tigers Eye's stone. 

Known as the "survival stone", this fiery radiant jewelry is a strong motivational stone to build confidence and enable you to fulfill any role, perform any task, and speak to anyone with wisdom and grace.

Aside from increasing your motivation, self-confidence, strength, and enthusiasm, Red Tiger’s Eye also calms your mind and eases your anxieties over things to come. It will also give you spiritual protection and improve your luck.

Whether you’re going to an awkward family gathering, a stressful client meeting, a nerve-wracking public performance, or a first date with someone you’re in love with, keep this stone close to you so that you can harness its loving and stabilizing energies.

Aside from wearing it, you can also keep it in your bag, inside your car, or in your medicine kit. Make sure that you’re never without it. It’s genuinely one of the most loving and supportive stones out there.

Qty: (1) Bracelet 8mm 


Precious and Semi-precious gemstones have been used since recorded history for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. Healers all over the world are using healing crystals and stones.

The crystals and stones should not be used as a prescription, diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition or ailment. The information we provide is purely metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical.

Crystal Healing is not an independent therapy, but one that is part of a holistic healing approach. By using this site and associated materials, you acknowledge and agree that you personally assume responsibility for your use or misuse of this information.