Spirulina Seamoss (Powerful Antioxidant, Aids w| Blood Pressure + More)


Spirulina is an organism that grows in both fresh and salt water. It is a type of cyanobacteria, which is a family of single-celled microbes that are often referred to as blue-green algae. Just like plants, cyanobacteria can produce energy from sunlight via a process called photosynthesis.

The quality of the protein in spirulina is considered excellent — comparable to eggs. It gives all the essential amino acids that you need.

Spirulina is low in calories and high in protein. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, suppresses appetite, boosts fat mobilization, and lowers blood sugar and blood pressure. All of these factors aid weight loss.

Powerful Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Phycocyanin is the main active compound in spirulina. It has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Suppresses Appetite

Spirulina is also an appetite suppressant. It contains the amino acid phenylalanine that stimulates the secretion of cholecystokinin that helps to suppress appetite 

Can Lower “Bad” LDL and Triglyceride Levels

Studies indicate that spirulina can lower triglycerides and “bad” LDL cholesterol and may simultaneously raise “good” HDL cholesterol.

Protects “Bad” LDL Cholesterol From Oxidation

Fatty structures in your body can become oxidized, driving the progression of many diseases. The antioxidants in spirulina can help prevent this.

May Have Anti-Cancer Properties

Spirulina may have anti-cancer properties and appears especially effective against a type of precancerous lesion of the mouth called OSMF. 

May Reduce Blood Pressure 

A higher dose of spirulina may lead to lower blood pressure levels, a major risk factor for many diseases.

Improves Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis

Spirulina supplements are very effective against allergic rhinitis, reducing various symptoms.

May Be Effective Against Anemia

One study suggests that spirulina can reduce anemia in older adults.

May Improve Muscle Strength and Endurance

Spirulina may provide multiple exercise benefits, including enhanced endurance and increased muscle strength.

Note: Spirulina will have a slight algae/seaweed/fishy smell to it and is normal. 

Qty: (1) 16oz jar 

*Keep Refrigerated


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